Villa Springs Owners Association (VSOA) Annual Meeting 11/5/2023

Sat, Dec 9, 2023

Read in 6 minutes

Meeting minutes for the 2023 Annual Meeting



NOVEMBER 5, 2023

CALL TO ORDER: The annual meeting of the VSOA was called to order by President Bryan

Promes at 2:00 PM.

ATTENDANCE: There was a total of 44 homeowners represented (30 present and 14 by Proxy)

which represents 52% of 85 homeowners. A quorum was present.

WELCOME NEW AND EXISTING MEMBERS: All members present introduced themselves by

name and lot number.

SECRETARYS REPORT: Minutes from November 6, 2022, Annual Meeting were approved by the

Board at their June 15, 2023, public meeting.

TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Hank Schwarz reviewed financial handouts.

  1. Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2023

  2. Profit and Loss as of September 30, 2023

  3. Proposed Budget for October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024

a. MOTION made to add $250 for the Fish Tournament by Whitney Lichtenberg

and seconded by Diana Foral. MOTION PASSED. Budget approved.


  1. Architectural Committee: In the absence of Alan Hans President Bryan Promes reported.

a. All pools that were in non – compliance have been addressed and informed that

the need for and process to get Flood Plain approval and County Permits are

required and can take a significant amount of time to acquire.

  1. Fish and Lake Committee: Aaron Klusmire

a. Aaron reported that the Blue/Green Algae was sprayed for in late May and is

down from 2 years ago. It was noted that some weeds are needed to benefit the

survival of smaller fish. Each homeowner is responsible for the maintenance of

weeds off their beach/seawall areas.

b. Catfish and Walleye have been added to the lake.

  1. Social Committee: In the absence of Brenda Promes President Bryan Promes reported.

a. Halloween Gathering: Went very well with 51 “kiddos” signed up. Assistance in

organizing and managing this event was requested.

b. 2023 Christmas Gathering: Chad Nolte has graciously offered host this year’s

gathering at his establishment in Springfield on December 2nd. More information

to follow via email.

  1. Compliance Committee: President Bryan Promes reported.

a. Boat Stickers: 19 have been requested and issued along with documentation of

the boat and motor type. If anyone needs a sticker as required, please contact


b. Lot 35 compliance complaint was addressed and resolved.

c. Pools: 3- Non-conformance complaints (Lots 41, 71, & 75) have been addressed.

d. Boating Issues: Non-Compliance with Boating Rules and Regulations were

addressed and handled in an amicably manner with positive outcomes.


  1. Board of Directors met 3 times in 2023.

a. February 21, 2023: Closed Meeting

b. June 15, 2023: Open Meeting

c. August 2, 2023: Closed Meeting

d. Closed meetings were required due to the sensitive nature of the meetings

regarding the pending lawsuit of Brase vs VSOA.

  1. Brase vs VSOA:

a. $3,075.00 has been spent to date defending the Association.

b. Litigation is ongoing at this point.

  1. Burn Pile:

a. Will remain Open.

a. All members will receive 24-hour notice via email when burning is to

take place.


  1. Tree Trimming

a. Boat Dock: Approximately 3 trees will be removed. Anyone wanting

firewood should contact Bryan.

b. Private Trees: Those hanging over the road must be trimmed back by

the homeowner.

  1. Grass Clippings and Leaves

a. Do not dispose into the lake or intentionally leave on the streets.

  1. Road Resurfacing

a. North Shore Drive and Sandy Point Road: Milling and resurfacing was

completed in September 2023.

b. Cottonwood Lane: Patches were performed in areas of current need.

c. Total cost: $176,936.00 by ManMann Asphalt.

d. Maintenance: Will be placed on an ongoing schedule to preserve the

life and integrity of the new surfaces.

  1. Road Assessment Dues: Julie Peterson

a. The 2018 Annual Owners Minutes were read by President Promes that

addressed the approval of an “ongoing” annual assessment for road

repairs and replacement. Annual Dues was raised from $325/year to

$825/year. The assessment will remain in place until a motion is made

and passed at an annual VSOA meeting to decrease/remove this


A MOTION was made by Chuck Phillips and seconded by Shari Nolte that

this account be limited to an aggregate total not to exceed $400,000.00.

Discussion followed and a vote was taken. The MOTION failed.

b. Cottonwood Lane: The current ESTIMATE to mill and resurface is

$321,000.00. Our Road Improvement fund currently has a balance of

$92,000.00. Thus, the annual $500.00/lot (85) will stay in place until

such time as funds are available to do improvement work on it. The

estimated lifespan of Cottonwood Lane, after the repairs that have been

done, is 6-8 years. It was noted that Lakeview Drive has been in place

for perhaps 50-60 years and had minor repairs done in 2019.

Cottonwood Lane has provided approximately 25 years of service.

c. Lakeview Drive: It will need the same treatment in the future.

d. Road Maintenance: Secretary Ficenec provided President Promes with

an email from ManMann Asphalt detailing recommended maintenance

for the new surfaces on North Shore Drive and Sandy Point Road. It was

decided that Secretary Ficenec will solicit a bid from ManMann to

service ALL our roads from here on out to preserve their life expectancy.

  1. Bylaws Review Committee: A sign up sheet was provided.

Those who signed up are: Rodney Brase and Chuck Phillips. Secretary Ficenec will

chair this committee.


  1. 4

th of July Firework: Diana Foral spoke regarding the cost and liability. The past budget

was $4,500.00 before discontinuing. Diana made a MOTION to allocate $1,500.00 from

the Lake Fund. Whitney Lichtenberg seconded. Discussion ensued. Diana amended the

MOTION to add a line item to the 202324 budget of $1,500.00. Shari Nolte seconded.

Discussion ensued. Vote was taken. MOTION PASSED.

  1. VSOA Clean Up: Diana Foral spoke about the need for the Association to provide a

means for owners to dispose of items from their property that do not belong in the burn

pile to enhance the appearance of our community. MOTION was made by Diana and

seconded by Shari Nolte. Discussion followed. It was decided to have a (1) day

community clean up day on the first Saturday of May. The Dumpster is to be placed in a

location “To Be Determined” and be monitored continuously to deter unwanted

materials or non-resident “donations”. MOTION PASSED. Chad Nolte volunteered to be

available as a monitor and asked for others to assist.

  1. Election of Officers/Board Members

a. President Promes requested nominations from the members.

i. Vice President: Aaron Klusmire was nominated. He accepted the

nomination. No other nominations were offered. Aaron Klusmire was re-

elected for 2 years.

ii. Treasurer: Hank Schwarz was nominated. He accepted the nomination.

No other nominations were offered. Hank Schwarz was re-elected for 2


iii. Board members: Two openings.

  1. Chad Nolte was nominated. He accepted.

  2. Julie Peterson was nominated. She accepted.

  3. No other nominations were offered.

  4. Chad and Julie were elected to fill (2) year positions on the board.


  1. Karen Ficenec motioned for adjournment. Seconded. MOTION PASSED 4:10 PM.

Report respectfully submitted by Secretary Terry Ficenec

November 5, 2023